Re: No ringtone just a hissing sound
I'm guessing your text alerts still play? If so then I have the same exact problem as you mg. And I have tried EVERYTHING as I'm sure you have. That happens to my phone about once every week. After the first time it happened I tried to revert with sprite but the problem returned after the restore so I started with a clean slate and installed all my apps on by one. I tested the ringer after every app and everything was fine. I perform a backup about every 2 days now so when the problem returns because it always does I just restore to the last know good backup. I still have yet to figure out what I do to make the ringer stop working. I actually posted about this before but it was just a different symptom of this same problem. I don't know if you noticed but when your ringer stops working, the ringtone preview sounds (which still work for some reason) are much quieter.