Originally Posted by eric12341
get the hell out of this thread you hack! phones are made to go bad intentionally because the smartphone industry wants you to buy the latest and greatest so they can make more money cuz that's what they want. whether it be HTC,samsung,sony,toshiba, all the same.
Well... Arent you one angry troll! Why so angry at the truth? Because it hurts! We all know that. But I will give you credit, you did say something correct. You said that companies release phones that go bad so you run out to but the next gen phone.thats correct for htc.its 100% correct! Why do I know this? Because I was a buyer that actually did that! I had a 6700 that was awesome for its time, then the 6800 came out sporting a dual core cpu. We were all happy because we thought dual core would perform better and more efficient. Turned our we did get a dual core but our did NOT perform better or efficient. It performed worse and slower and hotter! Turned out HTC didn't want to pay qualcomm royalties to activate the hardware acceleration on the ms72xx cpu. We complained seens tom tom and igo ran at about 3fps, making it incredibly hard on the eyes seens it was so jerky. We said, "next gen should make htc fix this problem". Well we got the Vouge, touch Pro, tilt, touch pro 2 and all those had even worse performance issues seens some of those ppcs had higher resolution screens. Whay did we do? We went out and bought them. Then HTC promised a real fast hardware accelerated phones under its new highly touted Snap Dragon cpu. Well, we went out and we got a fair phone.we were impeded to se higher frame rates, but only because we were given phones for 4 years with crippled gpus.so jumping from 3fps to 12fps on Snapdragon gave us thre illusions that we finally got hardware acceleration! We did, but too little too late.Galaxy S came out, and that actually surpasses the iphone. Not only the iphone, but the new gen iphone 4. And the iphone4 out performs the Evo by alot! So now imagine how the galaxy s compares to Evo. Yes sir, you just got pwn3d. Have a nice day with your snapsnail. Hope it makes you happy, but dont bother showing it to your iphone4 friends, youll regret it. Hehe. Btw... I rubbed my epic on all my iphone4 owners... Cuz I can! When I had the Evo, I was shamed to use it when anyone had their iphone out using it. I would only take it out and use out when I had people around me using their free flip phones our their lg phones. Cuz that made my Evo look like it was a super computer.
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