So i got around to being irritated enough with the OTC update from verizon pestering me to install it, and then found out that 2.3 finally came out. So head on over to unrevoked website, currently have unrevoked for 2.2 blazing away on my incredible.
Download the new recovery flash tool
and click the link to download the update to 3.3
Go through the motions and reboot to recovery and go through to install from SD Card after putting 3.3 on SD card, locate it and select it to install, installs error free, reboot phone, OTA from verizon pops up asking me to install, i click cancel and then head to settings and software, well 2.2 is still showing on incredible instead of the updated 2.3.
Been searching for an answer but havent found any so far.
Tried using the flash tool program but keeps saying waiting for device even when plugged in and kernel debugging is on. CHecked for conflicting software installed and removed all known conflicts, but still not go.
Did i get the right 3.3. update, I mean i know that there are a few bad links in unrevoked that send you off to unrevoked 2, but is the above current link the right one?
Has anyone gotten this problem and found a way past it?