I have been trying for two hours to get this working and I'm now at a loss. Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? I made two primary partitions on my 16 gig card, one fat32, and the other EXT2, 312 megs. I put all the files I dl'd in the zip onto the fat32 portion and then copied the rhodium startup file from npkinstall/install-startups/rhodium/cdma (I have a cdma phone) to the npkinstall folder. I ran the install.exe folder and it went through the install process and booted back into windows without error. Now is where I have the problem. I proceded to copy the startup file from storage card/Haret-startups/rhodium to the root of the card where the haret.exe is. When I run haret, it gives an error immediatly that "Failed to load file \storage card\zimage"
I have tried moving the install startup file to the root instead and that didn't work either. What do I need to do?

EDIT: I tried the whole process again including redownloading it and when I went to boot, it worked fine. No problems. We're golden. However, now I have another problem. Unlike the other android builds I have tried, the power button is not the home button. It simply locks up the device with a black screen with the backlight on. The end button works as it should putting the device to sleep.