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Old 01-02-2011, 01:40 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

Originally Posted by demonlordoftheround View Post
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What fishingmedic said was right on the money. If you are experiencing a slow or laggy android, you've done something wrong. The basic package should work reasonably well without adding the latest kernal. I am currently running the 3D package verbatim from tiad8 with great success. Didn't mess with the startup text, module, zimage or drivers as he put them together and this thing flies and has great battery life. I would say try again. Android is a little tricky, but has progressed to the point where it can almost be used on a daily basis.
I've noticed slow/laggy Android when I try using the "battery trick", or whenever I boot into Android with the phone plugged into charger (not sure if this is documented with this build, or just my personal experience). It occasionally will be slow with a boot when the chargers not plugged in, but if i retry it once (or maybe twice) it goes back to running smooth as silk. To anyone noticing a laggy experience (that have done everything that's been suggested as far as trying an untweeked version and not O/C), I would suggest a couple simple reboots into Android to see if that solves the problem.

I love this build and all the work you guys have done. Thanks a million, and thanks to ndno for putting it into the all-in-one package.

To prevent having to reboot into Android every morning, it would be convenient to leave it charging in Android all night. Is this safe to do?