Originally Posted by lemeiux1
hmm thats strange, just to be sure is this a fresh android install or did you have it up and running already and just replaced the modules and zimage files?
I already had mine running and replaced those files and got some serious flickering when that boot screen came up but it didnt loop, and its only been a few minutes but keyboard backlight works great and I havent had any problems yet initializing the panel
wistilt you are a genious!
It's been up and running like a charm, run it almost exclusively to be honest, and all I did was remove the old zimage and modules and drop the new ones into andboot folder. I boot from haret directly, I've tried just about everything I can think of to make this freaking thing work, I'm basically out of thoughts at this point.... WTF.... I'm going to try to revert back to the older zimage and module and see if that works again.
Edit: Did any of you that are using the new kernel make any other changes, i.e. delete data.img, change anything in startup.txt, etc?
Edit 2: Nope, still looping with the old kernel too... something borked in the build. Does anyone have a link to the latest FRX03, or the latest changes or am I better off grabbing Reef's latest FRX03 and working from there? I thought there were additional changes to the Blazn build since then but would really rather not have to search each page of each thread over again for the past 5 months in updates if anyone has the changes or change log links handy.