Originally Posted by WorldWide
Lol, yeh my bro got one and I was impressed enough that I hit up wirefly and picked one up for $150. I'm looking forward to exploring Android since I know little about it. I knocked it until I tried it, but I have high hopes for WP7 also, and right now Sprint 's not offering anything that's tantalizing from MS.
You gonna be very happy. Epic is what I was hoping for for many years of owning only htc phones woth false hours of maybe one day htc gonna give us the 3d drivers. Worlwife, u gonna have a ppc that actually is faster than the iphone4. The power is mind blowing. Everything is fast! And hd video recording its smooth. No hiccups on the hd recording unlike the evo 2 year old snapdragon (snapsnail). And the screen..... Omg. Gtfo! Awesome! At night its beautiful, since blacks are pitch black due to its omaled screen. Ull be happy. Trust me llama.
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