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Old 01-02-2011, 07:17 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Yes overall they are..mostly because they haven't exactly focused on it..that said the Unreal Engine 3 has been ported to Android in these last few months...and with the Playstation phone coming out next year I would expect much more games for 2011...

That said the Dungeon Defender game which isn't even that graphic intensive..(in comparison to say Infinity Blade) is pretty much almost unplayable...The 1st snapdragon GPU is pretty pathetic...I mean even the iphone 3gs outperforms it (which is also a little sad on Apple's part as they used same GPU on 3gs and 4)..

See M$ promised xbox integration as one of the major feature..but by making the 1st gen snapdragon the minimum they are limiting gaming by A LOT...and since all games will have to comply with the "minimum" standard even if better specced phones are released they will be "limited" by that M$ will either have to dump the phones released now within less then 6 month or be completely overwhelmed by the competition..cause in a month or 2 phones like the G2 are about to be considered "medium tiered phone" and phones like the EVO would fall under "low tiered" or "bottom medium tiered"..this is not a good start for WP7...this is why so many people were disappointed when the phone specs were announced..everyone thought M$ would dish out dual cores ahead of the rest and try to set a standard for better hardware...instead they released phones behind the curve...quite sad :/
And what games am I lacking that the snapdragon with hardware accelerated gpu am I lacking? Graphics right now are better than winmo and android and on par with the iphone.

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