Originally Posted by Andre.R
I have a couple ext4 gps questions. I am running 2.1.1 and never took the time to do the "fix". since ext4 wipes the internal memory: will i still need to do the dl18 to dk28 fix? Does gps work on ext4? I don't use gps often so It's not a big issue, Since ext4 is a huge step, I would like to do everything right the 1st time. Thanks. . Oh BTW Rob. I have a hosting account that expires in i few months. If you like I could make a folder and give you ftp access to host files etc. Just email me the monthly bandwidth for rom downloads. That way you can have a mirror always available. Thanks for your dedication. Andre.R
The GPS is fixed in DK28. You don't need to do the gps fix. That said, some people swear by it still and some are still having GPS issues after DK28. It's kind of hit and miss. I have no issues with GPS since DK28. Let me know what you find.
Thanks for the hosting option. I'll let you know.