Dalvik cache takes 20 - 30 seconds to clear
I recently noticed that my battery life is significantly worse than what I'm used to. Around the same time, I noticed that clearing the Dalvik cache now takes 20 - 30 seconds when it used to take only a few seconds. (If I clear it again immediately after clearing it I don't see this problem, obviously...but after a few days of usage the Dalvik cache gets really big again.)
I'm wondering if this could be a sign of problems. This has persisted over multiple ROM, radio, kernel, and PRI flashes. I have not tried installing apps one-by-one to see which is causing the problem, because that would take a while. Is the always-full Davlik cache a clue that could help me find what's hogging the battery?
Or maybe my battery is just getting older, and the Davlik cache thing is the result of a new feature in one of the new updates. I don't remember my exact flash history, but right now my software history says (ignore sig, I haven't updated it):
Android 2.2
Build MikFroYo v4.1 - Logical Sense
Software 3.70.651.1
Browser WebKit 3.1
PRI 1.90_003
PRL 60674
I've changed all of those things except Android and Browser since I first noticed the Dalvik issue and poor battery life. My hardware revision is 003.
Thanks to anyone who can help me better understand this issue.
HTC Evo 4G
DamageControl 3.5
netarchy 4.03