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Old 12-31-2010, 09:02 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
You can't call a port of Android the same as the actual thing..I know HD2 went a long way..but if you say try a Galaxy S phone..its a world of difference..I have 0 lag while opening multiple programs and 3d games running in background..
you're right
the epic 4g sucked balls out of the box and easily was one of the worst android experiences I ever had. Even with a custom build of android on that, it didn't beat the hd2 even with lagfree! And while I won't quip regarding hd2 v android, the point was even in august before wp7 hit, I was surprised at just how cheap android felt on the device that was par excellence
that being the epic 4g

I hope it improves but my month for using it was paltry at that as it may even in comparison to the two devices, while the HD2 gave a better android experience as well as options (sense mostly), I am still hesitant to even return to android.

Yeah your results vary and I can say maybe it was a bum device I'll give it that and definitely will give it a shot again, but its hard for me just because wp7 has a really smooth experience and everything is fast.

I highly recommend if you can test wp7 for 14 days, TEST IT. It's hard to go back from it