Re: {{CHT-APP}}{{2-Dec-2010}}CHTScheduler 2.15 - Sense/CHT-Profile-Management
ok so i just started digging into this app and will refrain from the many questions i have (as most are slowly being answered as i spend more time) but i do have a couple questions.
now in chte there is a export feature for settings,is this seperate from all the export settings in chts? this is the order i been doing my backups, want to see if im doing it logically. after a flash i set up all sense and chte settings w/ a complete empty home screen layout. exported chte settings. installed chts and did a save baseline. then i started making homescreen layout and messing with the chts settings. i just saved my 1st layout (day). and i want to make more layouts for nite and work but have another question b4 that...can different layouts have different chte settings (such as differnt pages an levels)? after i get the other layouts done and saved, ill make a chts settings backup and then after that a full sense backup. is that logical, am i missing steps or adding to many?
im not sure i understand the ignore settings in chts
thanks for any help
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