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Old 12-31-2010, 05:09 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by Noir View Post
It's been gosh a month almost 2 since I've been using windows phone 7 - going from the hd7 to the dell venue pro. There are somethings I regret, like no mkv player or ogg or flac player, but otherwise I love the experience. I got android flashed on my hd2 and it is still slow...
I can't go back to android I can't go back to windows mobile or apple. I'm good
You can't call a port of Android the same as the actual thing..I know HD2 went a long way..but if you say try a Galaxy S phone..its a world of difference..I have 0 lag while opening multiple programs and 3d games running in background..
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