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Old 12-31-2010, 12:18 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

No go on the 2.32 radio, I got it to work on 1.96 once. On 2.32 not even once...

What about non-unlocked radio? Would that make a difference? I'll try and report back...

EDIT: ** An idea ** Can someone post 2 screen shots of END button LONG PRESS screens so we can have an idea where to press when turning off device, that way we don't blow up the android build on the SDCARD?

Aparently on all radios it says GSM phone found and GSM Rhodium a few lines below..

On 2.32WF first boot it turned off phone (I am guessing when it reached Android after boot animation)
Not sure if radio has anything to do with it...I got same results...

Last edited by m4f1050; 12-31-2010 at 12:28 PM.
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