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Old 12-29-2010, 11:28 PM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
You mentioned issues with the 23150 ROM you were on and said you were going to flash the 21686 soon. Did you? If so, how has the 21686 R4 been treating you?

Oh and about the icon changer... As far as I know that's the best around. I don't ever use it but searched for it and just wanted to make sure that I'd found the one that you guys had referred to a few times. It seems to me that this would come in really handy to most people as I'm sure most like to change the start menu icons. I was thinking about including it in the next round.
yea i flashed the 21686 the other day and i cant think of anything big to report. a minor thing and noticed on the past couple ce (dont remember if it was on the final or not) is with the personalizer app. i get an error message at boot up just before sense loads i think about missing files or similar. i havent changed anything w/ it and i noticed it after i installed a few cabs an such. havent been able to pinpoint thou. whenever it happens to stop it i delete the personalizer specific files in windows/startup and it never pops up agian. so far no problems like the 23150 build. ill run it for another week and try and write down anything i notice so i dont forget

i may have found a possible reason for my seemingly huge battery loss, nue battery. now when tp2 first came out i do remember trying nuebattery and not using it agian because of a problem i had w/ it (cant remember why thou) so the other day i went into the app and load defaults and only checked the dont round % and it seems to be treating me better
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