Originally Posted by dja2k
Would be great if the instructions are listed like in the previous format...
1) You MUST ODIN THE DK28 modem (if you already haven't)
2) Boot into clockwork
3) WIPE DATA/Cache/Dalvik x3
4) Flash midNIGHT v2.0.6 zip
5) DO NOT WIPE DATA AGAIN (You can wipe the caches but NOT DATA). Wiping data again will remove ALL APPS IN THE DATA FOLDER
6) First boot might take a few minutes
7) Enjoy
Should I try this method xda-developers - View Single Post - [ROM] midNIGHT ROM v2.2 EXT4 Support 12/29/2010 to see if that works better?
This ROM is sweet bro - great job & thanks. Everything is working as hoped, no fc's as of yet. SUPER FAST!!!
I followed the link that you have posted above from xda. I did this right after it was posted. It went real smooth...it took a little time but it worked. As Darren stated in the previous posts, he has a much quicker way but he was toooo busy to help me (lol - j/k Darren).
BTW - I didn't bother with odin back to SPH-D700-DK05-Extended.rar. I skipped that part & went straight to odin DK28. Worked fine for me but do whatever you feel more comfortable with. It only took about 20 -30 minutes to complete. Good Luck!