Originally Posted by natemcnutty
but I do know how rootfs checks and initializes the phone based on whether it is CDMA or GSM.
I would try removing the force_cdma option out of the startup line entirely and see if that works for you. I just don't know if anyone has gotten that to work yet or not.
Yes the Rootfs gets checked for Network Version, we can watch this if you pay attention to the streaming code while booting up.. your very right... BUT out devices already say theyre GSM while this check gets performed, hence why we need the force_cdma command line right?? so maybe thatll work for him... he shouldnt hold his breath though lol
Originally Posted by drewcam888
You are incorrect sure. The sprint and verizon TP2 will not allow a foreign sim to be used without unlocking the sim slot. Verizon is easier to unlock since verizon provides the code free. The sprint phones require a new radio.
thats for domestic use only isnt it??? SPrint requires no SIM unlock at all if your actually going over seas(minus maybe the call to SPrint that enables the TP2 for international use[free])... you can leave in SPrints SIM and pay their rates or buy a pre-paid SIM and itll work no problem... if you wanna use the SIM Unlock here in the US for GSM networks thats when you need the new Radio..