Originally Posted by swear0730
Its so hard to get a tone from a post... One of the few things that are a negative in our digitally-connected world. So hard when you can't "read" a person from looking at them. I have chosen to make the best out of what people write. Help that seems mean should be taken as help.
Posts that are of no help and sound mean... Another story...
For the record Darren I've been wondering whether you're mellowing in your old age.
im more mellow in posts now cause im a mod and im trying to set a decent exanple but with some people its hard not to flame them. (flyers2114)
Originally Posted by sbrown2680
Okay, I am sure this has been covered previously but I can't find it...
If I'm currently on 2.0.9 do I need to WIPE DATA/Cache/Dalvik 3x before installing 2.1.1 via clockwork? If I just install 2.1.1 will it keep my current settings and/or configuration or has so much changed that I'll need to wipe everything?
i flashed new build over old build with no issues, i only wipe if i go from cook to cook.