Wirelessly posted (VZW TP2: Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
Originally Posted by dataman
Originally Posted by PPCFreak
Look for Rhodium Keyboard Config.
This will allow you to program ctrl c and ctrl v.
I can attach my config file if you are interested. It contains ctrl c, ctrl v, ctrl x and has custom mapping of the up and down volume buttons when in email (allows me to use the volume buttons to move to the next or previous messages rather easy)
EDIT: Attached my keyboardconfig file. If you want to use it, rename it from .zip to .xml and then import the settings.
Contains the following:
CTRL C (Copy)
CTRL V (Paste)
CTRL X (Cut)
Volumn Down and UP while in Moblie Outlook (moves up and down the messages in the inbox and folders you are in)
Mute Button Double Click (Toggle WiFi)
Mute Button Long Press (Toggle Bluetooth)
I looked all over in the phone and can not find "Rhodium Keyboard Config."
how would I import the setting?
thank you
Do I have to install it? found this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=554240
does it run well on our ROM?
that would be the one.
Works very well with this rom.
Install, soft reset then go to settings - system and keyboard config.
click right soft button and choose config.
Then click load and choose the keyboardconfig.xml I attached.
Make sure to click left soft key to apply before exiting the program.