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Old 12-24-2010, 09:46 PM
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Re: █ VirusROM AirBouRne Series™ █ ◄●|07 NOV.|RC3.4|●► █ [Froyo]●[2.2]●[3.30.651.2] █

I went out exploring after trying the latest RC4 release, now I can't go back to it. I'm using Clockwork ROM premium, I clear everything even a full wipe install r4 zip from SD and get stuck on HTC ego 4g screen even after an hour I'm still stuck. If I go back into bootloader and install a ziggy kernel I can get to the rom but it loads then reboots. I'm trying to switch from the lateat Omj Rom with the 12-21 update, what is the issue here, am I forgetting something or what? I'm lost, my laptop is in for repairs so anything I do has to be done for now only using my phone so someone please let me know what I need to do to be running this awesome rom once again. Oh, and yes I tried the infected Rom forum its down, and yes I did search and tried everything I have found.