Originally Posted by kjhadfield
^ auto backlight is checked? in windows right? just dl'ed your package and will give it a go later tonight. the bootanimations got changed...to what? the nexus X? is there a way back to that xdandroid boot (i really liked that one)
i dont have a spare sd for just android so i use the same for windows and android, a 4gb class 6. (went to best buy/walmart/radio shack and none have class 6) should i backup all files and re format then replace all files (both win n and) would you think it would make improvement speed wise/prevent lagging or just a waste of time?
Yeah, I had all the boxes checked in the Backlight settings under WinMo. I'm not sure if there's any correlation to Android working smoothly, it worked for me; maybe tiad8 can explain.
I like the flying Android animation better than the Nexus One too. I was just copying what tiad8 had on his post; I'm going to revert it back and re-upload the package.
Yes, if there are issues with your SDcard card (fragmentation, previous corruption issues, etc), I would just back it up, reformat it, restore you data. For me, things seem to work more smoothly once I did that; I probably do this every month as a "manual defragmentation" process and just to clean out any corrupted files.