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Old 12-23-2010, 06:37 PM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

Originally Posted by slthomas00 View Post
Hello Sharkie. I decided to remove the CHT editor and Cookies cab to see if the phone would be a bit quicker. So far, it seems that is the case as you described - so liking your ROM even more. Didn't think that would be possible. You mention above "Remove RSS Feed Cab". I am not seeing that cab and would like to remove RSS from the home screen. Maybe the cab has another name? I see one cab called Sharkie Default ... but the whole text is not displayed in the remove programs settings.

EDIT: Found it using file manager. Ran your RSS remove CAB.

One other issue I saw with the phone using Cookies (not sure if it is a Cookie problem). Whenever I adjusted the volume on a call, after I hang up and go back to the home screen and then adjust the volume control to change the ringer volume, the volume controls no longer control ringer volume - they are stuck on phone volume adjustments. Also - as WJA77 states - I notice the volume of the ringer has gone down as well on this version.

One last item - you mentioned you were going to look into all day appointments settings on the lock screen and home page. Interestingly now that I removed Cookies, all day events do not show. They did with Cookies installed. Any luck finding how to adjust that manually?
I have confirmed that going back to v1.3 does fix the ringer sound issue. It's interesting, if on v2 (official or CE-any version) the ringer seems to max out at about 1/2 or less normal volume. If i place a call to the phone and then hang up part of the last ring seems to be at a higher volume, but this does not happen all the time. It is quite weird actually. I even tried a registry fix that i found on a ppcgeeks forum while searching for a solution and that did not help... I am back on v1.3 now, but really like some of the new/improved features in v2.0 and would like to go back if a fix for the ringer volume can be found... Other than that i have not seen any issues with v2.0

Is this just me or are there others having the same issue?

Last edited by wja777; 12-23-2010 at 06:41 PM.
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