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Old 12-22-2010, 06:48 PM
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Re: 12-06-10(CE-21686-Sense2019)★SharkieROM v2.0 R1★Generic\Sprint[21683\21916-Sense2

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Thanks for letting me know you tried out my ROM! I really appreciate it.

I'll look into all day evets showing on the lockscreen...

The 7th screenshot is what Sense will look like if you use the "Remove RSS Feed" cab. No doubt removing CHT will speed up Sense, but like I said before I think that my Sense is pretty fast, even with CHT installed.
Hello Sharkie. I decided to remove the CHT editor and Cookies cab to see if the phone would be a bit quicker. So far, it seems that is the case as you described - so liking your ROM even more. Didn't think that would be possible. You mention above "Remove RSS Feed Cab". I am not seeing that cab and would like to remove RSS from the home screen. Maybe the cab has another name? I see one cab called Sharkie Default ... but the whole text is not displayed in the remove programs settings.

EDIT: Found it using file manager. Ran your RSS remove CAB.

One other issue I saw with the phone using Cookies (not sure if it is a Cookie problem). Whenever I adjusted the volume on a call, after I hang up and go back to the home screen and then adjust the volume control to change the ringer volume, the volume controls no longer control ringer volume - they are stuck on phone volume adjustments. Also - as WJA77 states - I notice the volume of the ringer has gone down as well on this version.

One last item - you mentioned you were going to look into all day appointments settings on the lock screen and home page. Interestingly now that I removed Cookies, all day events do not show. They did with Cookies installed. Any luck finding how to adjust that manually?

Last edited by slthomas00; 12-22-2010 at 07:19 PM.
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