Originally Posted by figlesias
Great job I think is one of the best ROM I've tried. but I have a problem when trying to connect my bluetooth headphones (Sony Ericsson HBH-DS970) to my phone only connects the Hands - free and does not connect the Stereo Audio, this happened when I changed to this rom in other rom connects perfect. Sorry for my horrible English.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to duplicate this problem, but I will keep looking into what may be causing you problems.
Originally Posted by gtzags
Jmart518 – Phenomenal job w/ this ROM! I’m very impressed with the speed of this ROM. While a lot my buddies are jumping ship to AT&T for WP7, I’m so happy w/ this ROM that it will tide me over for the next few months until Verizon gets a WP7 device.
I’ve experienced some of the learning curves with this ROM, but after catching on this post I’m good to go. Here are a few issues I currently have w/ this ROM:
1. I edited the home layout, so on screen 1 I have my eMail accounts vs. the weather. Although I can’t get a consistent repro, when I close out of mail and go to the main screen, sense will restart. This doesn’t happen every time, but at least once a day.
2. Can you expose Active Sync so it’s an option when I add a Quick Link?
3. Can you update the EV icon to 3G
Keep up the great work!
The Sense crash is related to CHT, not sure why it happens. I removed the Active Sync shortcut from the start menu because it is accessible in the comm manager. You can find that in two places; Sense settings tab/wireless controls and start/settings/connections/comm manager. If you still want to add it to a quick link, navigate to the windows folder and copy async.lnk to windows/start menu/programs and it will then show up in your quick link list.
Originally Posted by coolpoete
Jmart - I have no complaints but then again, you know my situation.
One thing I have noticed is that in both this ROM and the latest FullDeck ROMs the youtube player has a glitch in it. It will play 1 or 2 videos just fine then it will start to crash. Also if you pause a video mid-stream and try to go back it will crash.
In the Very Clean ROMs and the R14 Fulldeck ROMs (signature) this was not the case and I believe the kitchens were similar, I'm not sure.
Thanks for your time and dedication to this ROM, it is beyond awesome!
I tried to duplicate the problem, but haven't been able to get YouTube to lock up. However, YouTube has been a major PITA to deal with, so I am not surprised when you say that it was giving you problems. I hope that it isn't consistently messing up on you.
Thanks again for the feedback guys and I am still tuning 1.3.0, it should drop sometime this week.