Originally Posted by nasa1303
ya i see your point i dont like thread jacking other people but i guess it is a pretty similar thread. my bad now we both have posts in here that doesnt really matter to the thread. and actually the op of this thread was actually stating he was leaving android and was trying to decide between the two devices. the thread that i started was wanting people to tell the reason why they left their androids to come back to their tp2. while similar it was in fact a different topic
Threads serve purpose to the entire community, not just the author..if a person has a related question and posts on the thread its hardly thread jacking...Thread jacking is more when you take the thread completely off topic, in this case your question is related...thus a merge..
I mean realistically..this is a TP2 forum...what would happen if 50 people wanted to ask about going back to the TP2 from the moment and made their own thread for it..see the point?
Anyways lets all get back on the topic...