Originally Posted by tiad8
that's really extrange. Did you try it without the drivers. Just normal. Plug in your charger in wm wait for the light. Then run haret. Wait till you see it charging, but don't unplug it yet, let it sync in.
Yep, I can charge normally even with FRX03 2.2.1 clean. No need to charge when phone is powered off completely, no need to plugin wall charger when in WM then HaRET to android. Never try offline charge.
If I keep charge when android status display as: "Charged" about 30 minutes or an hours I will get full charged in WM if I reboot to WM.
As I checked many times, it is difference between android and WM:
- Android: 70%
- WM: 57%->60%
I can use it for "daily use" till its get much smoothly with your posted 3D driver and new kernel without go back to WM just for charge except after it got freezed, panic or crash