Originally Posted by docnas
yeah again on loading haret i saw that msg right after the bind/sdcard/libGLES_qcom.so /system/lib/egl/libGLES_qcom.so it gives an error stating no such file or directory
( it was 3 or 4 errors so im guessing 1 for each file).
Which rootfs are you using? What commands do you have in your user.froyo.conf? I'm guessing that it is trying to bind those files from the root of your sdcard, but they do not exist.
Also, I see these:
[ 45.178161] xvmalloc: version magic ' preempt mod_unload ARMv6 ' should be ' preempt mod_unload ARMv6 '
[ 45.216735] ramzswap: version magic ' preempt mod_unload ARMv6 ' should be ' preempt mod_unload ARMv6 '
These are the files I was talking about us not having on NAND, but ACL schooled me that they are used on haret. It does appear that you have the wrong modules, or the data.img file has old drivers stuck that aren't letting the modules update. I would try moving your current data.img and let it create a new one and see if it has the same issue.