Originally Posted by john80hotkey
so far doesn't look like it will be a world phone... none of the spec sheets( not even the ones on htc site ) make a reference to this. next I believe jumping to this phone since its "new" is premature. My sig says EVO but I dumped it . Had freezing issues from day one and wasn't going to wait 2-3wks for a replacement. returned to my touch pro 2. and after doing so I realized that this phone might just be good enough for me. The pro 7 just isn't significant enough upgrade to warrant a buy. true enough its the latest and "greatest"( I use the term very loosely) but its only just barely better that its predecessor. It only got a beef up in ram and processor because the OS damands it. honestly if htc could have put a 600/800mhz processor in it they probably would have.. they love to recycle parts thats why this phones shares the exact same deminisions and body as the tp2 the only changes that were made were adjustments to support the OS nothing more nothing less. on day 1 ..everyone will say its the best windows phone they ever owned( windows is always snappy before you actually start real world usage) then by day 7.. the complaints start.. how slow and bogged down the os has become and it then just becomes another windows phone.. The major problem with this is ... On the tp2 steps could be taken as far as registry tweaks, cab files, and custom roms to alivate some of the issues that are experienced once you do begin day-to-day operations, but with the lock down on the system that microsoft has implemented this time you will just have to deal with the slowest running most freezing 1ghz phone anyone owns. and to give up functionality such as cut, copy, and paste or our memory cards is crazy. In short I suggest everyone just relax and continue to tweak and enjoy their tp2. if you are a memeber of this forum Im pretty sure at this point you are happy with your phone because of all the needed adjustments you have already made. wait to see how it performs. a month after its released just google htc 7 pro and see if any complaints are listed in the first three links and if not go for it, but Im going to wait to see what else 2011 has instore for us true geeks and if nothing comes up the phone has a 6mo shelf life so I can still pick one up and if not there's always craiglist or ebay..
or just switch to an epic

..lag free and awesome in every way lol..
but as for TP7..I don't think it will be laggy in 7 days..since M$ locked down the OS and hardware it limits functionality thus reduces that risk...the biggest question comes on what would be the next leap for WP7..if its large enough it may leave the slower 1ghz snapdragons behind completely..and with lack of tweak ability to overclock and other tweaks it might loose out...similar to the original iphone..