Originally Posted by gxnext
if its feeling laggy i highly recommend "setcpu for root users" and set the main profile to "performance mode" 1000Mhz max 100mhz min and add a "screen off" conservative profile, and add a temp (conservative 200 max 100min) profile around 35 C so it can cool down before it over heats from running at full speed. at least thats what I have mines set too.. you don't have to copy me.. i mean im not telling you to over clock so your not at serious risk because your not pushinging your cpu past what is set by the manufacture. im just suggestion it because i noticed a huge improvement in addressing ALL lag by telling my phone cpu to always run at full speed when im actively using it. they more so have their scaling set to whatever for a mix of performance and battery life, tho i haven't really noticed a big negative impact having mines set to max.
Performance = it will always run at top speed.
Conservative = it will conservatively adjust as needed, but will go back down to the lowest speed otherwise.
batterysaver = will always preform at the lowest speed set.
Ondemand = simular to conservative just... less conservative so its faster at adjusting the cpu speed on the fly.
and userspace = some type of setting that allows you to manually set the scaling performance ... i'm not advanced so i don't bother it.
"set cpu" will do absolutely nothing on the dk28 builds (yet) kernel is stock and not overclocked so its doing nothing.
Originally Posted by celsius0010
I really havent been on here too much lately but you are always a big help man. Even though your not helping me I appreciate it.
thanx, if ya need help im always a pm away. lol