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Old 12-20-2010, 02:37 AM
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Re: 12.19 3d package with better performance for testing

Originally Posted by docnas View Post
i know im gonna sound stupid but where do we put the files from the folder? ie the*.so files should we choose 1 and place it in the root of the SD card or what?

Edit : i copied over the modules and intrd and zimage and startup to the andboot folder
i copied froyo.user.conf to the andboot\conf folder (copying over the older version)
i also copied and build.prop to the andboot folder
then copied the 4 files from 11.26 etc... folder to root of sdcard
Booted hared reached the bootanimation looked smooth had an error "process system .....( i forget the exact words) force close or wait i clicked wait waited 10 minutes nothing happened and reset

Did i misplace a file somewhere? any help is appreciated.

Edit 2 restarted and went again to haret ran it and it worked this time so booted reached the lock screen
tried unlocking
process android.process.acore is not responding force close or wait , so i force closed and it seems to be running waited a bit but no repeat of the error so am running quadrant now. Score 546
I had a similar score too; I don't think ours loaded correctly. I finally got it to register a score of 597 after power down and booting again. I had the same problem (force close windows, sluggishness, Sprint connection not showing until like 4 minutes after I booted up, etc).

Also, since you're using "andboot", like me, instead of following tiad7's instructions in which he said to put everything at the "root" of the SD card, not within any folder (like andboot), you may have to change to the following lines in your froyo.user.conf:

mount --bind /sdcard/andboot/ /system/lib/egl/
mount --bind /sdcard/andboot/ /system/lib/egl/
mount --bind /sdcard/andboot/ /system/lib/egl/
mount --bind /sdcard/andboot/ /system/lib/hw/
mount --bind /sdcard/andboot/ /system/media/
mount --bind /sdcard/andboot/build.prop /system/build.prop
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