Originally Posted by mikey1234
i'm in the same situation as the OP. i have a TP2 and i'm hesitant to move on. i love having the physical keyboard but i could get on board with an on screen display or swype. i'm scared sprint is going to release a dual core phone or something in 6 months and we will be looking at our Evo's pissed off... with CES 2011 right around the corner, i'm wondering if this would be smart for me to wait instead... the Shack has the Evo for $100 signing a new two year agreement...
all EVO's can be rooted relatively easily right?
has anyone who has used a droid x global or droid incredible or samsung epic or similar phone been disappointed with their EVO's speed?
It will always be like this, in 6 month there will definitely be an EVO 2 and maybe an Epic 2 and etc...boils down to what you need today...if you want a keyboard, why not just get an Epic? (remember you have 30 days to try them, so you can try them all and see what fits you best, if none of them fit your needs wait)
chasing whats going to come out in 6 month is an endless cycle..