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Old 12-19-2010, 08:18 PM
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Re: To buy HTC EVO or not?

I also had the TP2. The EVO is a ton faster in every way. If you think the web browser on the TP2 is great, then wait till you t take the EVO's web browser for a test drive! Waaaay better web browsing experience on the HTC EVO! I'll put it this way... my laptop now is a dust collector.

Watch for sale adds during the holidays. Buy from Best Buy because there are no upfront rebates to pay. You can't go wrong buying an EVO now or waiting till the beginning of next year to see what new devices are released.

I recommend doing your homework on Android and Windows Phone 7 OS's and decide which is best for you. Do this before purchasing a new phone. If you are a physical qwerty user and that's an important feature for you, then you might want to wait for the new phones to be released next year. Although they will have slightly smaller 4" screens. After using my EVO for a few months, I can honestly say that I would not go to a smaller screen phone... period. The EVO is the perfect size phone and those that say its too big are simply jealous. They would be rockin' an EVO if they could with no whining about the screen size... those that have an EVO know so well that its NOT too big, but the perfect size. EVO is KING! I'm on my EVO right now! You can also keep your sero plan but you probably know this already.
Carrier: Sprint
Plan: Simply Everything
Devices: HTC EVO 4G

Last edited by tx_dbs_tx; 12-19-2010 at 08:29 PM.
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