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Old 03-04-2008, 02:27 AM
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Re: An Easy Guide to Upgrading

Well, followed the guide and successfully got my phone on Sprint. (not what I was trying to do.)

As implied in the directions, installing the DCD ROM does not set the phone's settings back to Verizon when selecting Verizon. I am unable to edit the PST because it no longer accepts 000000 as the unlock code and using the MSL appears to only work when verified over a working data connection (which won't happen since I'm not a Sprint customer)

Not to knock the OP, what he did was a great service for many, but these directions need to be re-written. They may work well for Sprint users, but not for Verizon.

EDIT: I was able to recover back to a VZW stock ROM and try again. Second time around I didn't let the Sprint cutomizations run (this needs to be added into the instructions....thought at one point they were). That fixed the problem of my phone being "Sprintized". However, it didn't help with my issues acquiring signal (which was the entire reason I went through this exercise.) BLAH.

Last edited by Geckotek; 03-04-2008 at 03:44 AM.
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