Originally Posted by austin420
aww. are you still mad you had to spend all your life savings ($400) on bail over your "mistaken identity" instead of getting an evo? dont worry. time heals all wounds. (even the ones you got on your back side in the county jail.)
LMAO!! isnt someone testy!
and my case was dismissed, all funds given back to me + Damages... Why do i need a stand alone Android device anyways, my TP2 does the Android stuff I want it to just fine.. ill probably wait for 2Ghz Android phones before I finally make the switch full-time..
and we all know having a port is not as good as the real thing.. Intercept got FROYO Offical before EPIC, and LG OPtimus is going to get Gingerbread Offical before EPIC even.. just saying, maybe you guys are over-hyping your phone a bit lol