Re: Few questions that I research but not fully answered
Warren beat me to it with the link, but in the CDMA upgrades forum, you'll also find threads for radio upgrades. Just make sure you use the CDMA unlocker, CDMA radios (you can use USCC, sprint, VZW) but if you use the wrong unlocker or wrong radio, you will then have a pretty paperweight. As far as the phone being the same as VZW/Alltel's, not sure what you mean. They are all CDMA, can use the same ROMs, radio, etc, but the kb may be different, buttons might be a little different. As far as digitizer, can't help you with that, although I'm sure others on here can assist. And I know Sprints is a world phone, I believe USCC is also but you need to find out from them how to unlock the SIM if you need to like you do for Sprint. Good luck.