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Old 12-17-2010, 01:54 AM
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Re: 3d driver for testing with gralloc. UPDATED 11.29.10

Hey tiad8, you need to modify or remove that build.prop mess...

The updated gralloc that fixes the memory mapping issue is definitely a valid fix, and the libgles appears to work better as well... There's no question about the kernel improvements either.

However, the build.prop appears to enable JIT. This is bad. Stine specifically disabled JIT to resolve many random errors - like the repeated volume press reboot joy...

So either way. Not sure the build.prop is even necessary, comparing it to what's in FRX03 there doesn't seem to be much benefit to it... whatsoever.

Last edited by arrrghhh; 12-17-2010 at 01:57 AM.
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