Originally Posted by mwalt2
Just because you don't think it's worth it, doesn't mean others feel the same way (hence why the OP made the thread). CHT 2.0 can run just fine in a good ROM. I used it extensively and never had any trouble with applications running out of memory. After a few days (2-3 without a soft reset), memory usage would be up to around 70-75%. After a soft reset and once sense was loaded, it would be around 55-57% usage.
55-57% after a soft reset is too much, on stock 6.1 i boot in the upper 30s and even on the lead roms i used (6.5.21916) i booted in the 40s this is without CHT but after a couple of days without SR the lead rom did go into the 70s with no programs running (takes stock 6.1 almost a week to reach the 70s) when i had stock 6.5 and CHT i booted in the mid to upper 60s and went to the 90s before the end of the day and this was when i had the optimization options set.