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Old 12-16-2010, 06:30 PM
mababer2's Avatar
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bye bye sprint(rant)

after being a customer for i don't know 9 yrs this is how you treat your customers? i took my htc evo to a sprint store due to it constantly rebooting no matter what i do..the guy took the phone completely apart and told me there was water believe me, i treat this phone like he is one of my kids. if its not on the seat of my car its on the seat of my truck. the only time its outside is walking from my shop to my car and from my car to my house..the indicator on the back of the phone is good but they say the one on the circuit boad showed water damage..and to get it replaced would cost money i dont have..this isnt the first time this has happened at this store. when i called retentions all they wanna do is get me a refurbished black berry or some LG blah blah....sorry sprint i have had enough....
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