Originally Posted by Tybalt39
This really does look like it needs a new thread, but...
Is the GPS "chip" known in both the TP2 and the older devices? I seem to recall (when looking at "pucks" for my car PC) that there are different GPS chips and the behave differently from each other. The software had to be set up for each type of "puck". Might this be what is needed here?
This really needs to go else where, I know..
The GPS chip in the Touch Pro 2 has been beaten to death on this site and XDA. It's a known problem, There is not really an option on software for another type of GPS reciver. It's a HTC driver/hardware problem (well ,Broadcom, who makes the GPS/FM/Bluetooth/Wi-FI chipset).
Some phones are effected with it, others not, others don't have it as bad, there is no known fix for it, flashing roms does not help.
The question came up to see if it was addressed in anyway on this upgrade. With just flashing the radio (only thing that was updated on this release from what has been said), in my tests, Tomtom 7 and Navigon 7 showed the same exact results (lag 1 to 3, seconds worse on Tomtom even with the reg fixes).
So, unless anyone has results that fixes lag for Tomtom on a CDMA TP2 with MR3, this subject about GPS is complete and if we need to talk more about it, let's start a new thread.
Now back to your regular scheduled chat...
Any other changes or better perfomance noted with MR3 ??? (hey I'm trying !!!!)