Originally Posted by mwalt2
no, you cannot get gps-based weather on spb mobile shell homescreen like you can with htc sense. I have been using weather panel on the WM today screen for weather (you can use storyr's WPActivate to display some info from weather panel in SPB MS). It's not 100% compatible with 3.5.5, but you can use Vostradamus Mobile Shell Manager to add an 'invisible large link with narrow text' to display the current temp/condition from weather panel. I then use an icon with no text from the SPB MS weather. You can get an idea of what it looks like here.
Yeah, I went to install the WPActivate, but it said that I didn't have weather panel installed. Isn't weather panel part of HTC Sense? or is that a different weather panel. Having the weather location is a very nice feature, and with me traveling so much, it's nice not to have to search for another city that's relatively close... Like in my current location.... I have 2 choices for cities... One is 50 miles west of me, the other is 75 miles east of me. But nothing in between.
Another problem I have with Mobile Shell, is the linking between facebook contacts and phone contacts, also uploading videos to youtube. Features at first I thought I wouldn't use much, but wow, those are needed a lot more than I thought!