Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; Opera Mini/5.1.21594/22.401; U; en) Presto/2.5.25 Version/10.54)
Originally Posted by sonami
so do i use the mm7k_nosod.cab in place of the mm7kcpuspeed_v2.cab or in addition to it? (i already have setcpuspeed-1.0d.cab and mm7kcpuspeed_v2.cab installed on my device)...
i un-installed the mm7kcpuspeed_v2.cab before i installed the mm7k_nosod.cab and it seems to be running okay, i havnt gotten an SOD yet. my question is can i re-install the mm7kcpuspeed_v2.cab so i can have a visual on my cpu speed without affecting what the mm7k_nosod.cab is doing?
u can uninstall the m7cpuspeed. it simply tells u ur speed. the setcpuspeed 1.0d is now ur OC app. the m7cpuspeed..noSODphone now stops the sod. u dont need all 3 but all 3 doesnt hurt