Originally Posted by maurice.green
I have been in the computer industry for 27 years and have been programming in just about every language except c and c branches for 23 years. I have taken a great interest in c, c branches, linux, and android in the last month. I want to be a contributor to this particular thread in this particular forum. First, I have been testing the Rhodium extensively by flashing several different kernels to the device. Some that I know will work and some that supposedly should brick the device. I have basically been trying to brick my device. I would like for a brave soul to verify my findings. If the device seems to bricked or stuck in a loop. Deplete the battery. Remove the battery and the usb power source. Put a RHODIMG.NBH image on the sdcard. Put the SD card in the card slot. Put the dead battery back into the phone. Plug the usb power cord back in to the phone. The charging led will come on. Let it sit for 10 mins the first time and it will try to load. Don't mess with the phone. It will recycle and try to boot again in about 5 min. When it try's to reboot hold down the volume down button, the power button and push the reset. This will bring you to the boot loader. Very quickly flash the NBH on the sdcard to the phone. The phone will cycle about 5 times before coming up completely. Let the battery fully charge and you are back in business. Second I have rewritten the init file from scratch for the initrd.img (I know most of the flashes use initrd.gz but sticking with best practices I am using Initrd.img - there really are no differences in the two files except for the file name). I have also successfully achieved the ability to mount the rootfs from the nand so that I am no longer running it off of the sd card. In about two weeks, if time permits in between my life and business I will be adding the external modules to the nand and hopefully the system.ext2. I will be posting a link in this thread with a RHODIMG.nbh for testing.
Thanks for the Tip, maybe some day I will have the need to use it...
For your second part would you care to share what you have so far? I have been trying to get the Nand working off and on for some time now (But I'm Still Learning

). I trying to replicate what was done on the Vogue... Maybe it is the wrong direction.
IMO, I like the idea of having just the initrd and the Zimage on the NBH file. This way the user does not have to reflash when the system.ext2 is updated or any other important file. Also maybe we could look at the benefits of combining the Rootfs and initrd into one (like they did with the vogue) I am however not too sure about this and why they even did it... To save space maybe?
And lastly were you able to get access to the MTD by modifying the drivers? If you do have access to them then you should be able to mount the System.ext2 and Data.img to MTD2 and MTD3 respectively.
Thanks again!=D>