Originally Posted by dascope
Thank you!! really appreciate your help.
not a problem hope you get it fixed.
Originally Posted by hbuetow
I'm sure that he will update once he see's that it's updated, i am pretty sure that 2.15 has been out for a little bit but maybe he hasn't seen that it's been updated or has a reason that he hasn't cooked it in yet, only real way to know is to pm him or hit him up on twitter.
Originally Posted by nyr56
Any chance there is a Christmas skin available for the updated ROM? I want to keep that (awesome) holiday theme but not reflashing for the rest of the month is going to be hard!
only way of really knowing is to either hit him up on pm or twitter and see, he does monitor the forum but doesn't post what he's doing or not doing on here as twitter is where he puts out information like that.