Originally Posted by Johnny.Bravo
Oh, I gotta hear this. What did you do?
Ok, so I first attempted to put on the screen protector in the room..cause I managed to get away with doing a TP2 that way perfectly.. unfortunately for me 1-2 dust particles set in...so after trying to remove them I accidentally had it fly out and end up fully covered in dust (I'm very clumsy)...
So I gave up went into the bathroom and washed and and then set the steam going while it dried...after it dried I tried again...and I kept either messing it up and not being straight or getting some dust particle cause someone happens to open the bathroom door and the like...
so I said screw it....took the screen protector..washed it in water and put it on the phone while wet (thus allowing for easy adjustment and not particles)..then scraped out the water as if it was air bubbles..:P (But I don't suggest people try this at home)..came out with a perfect fit and no air/water bubbles...*whistle*