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Old 12-12-2010, 05:58 PM
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Re: [THEME] BigDXSerenity ☢ 65 Packages/3500 Images ☢ 8 COLORS TO CHOOSE ☢ Froyo 2.2.

Originally Posted by jhr View Post

I see your great work and admire it. I am always baffeled and never figured it out. Here is my question. I currently have the 2.2 OTA, rooted I was deodexed with 928Droid theme. Long story short i SBFed back to the .3.1.5 version which is the 2.2 OTA. I rooted.

I see you also have [THEME]BigDXSerenity ☢ Froyo2.2 Custom Theme Experience ☢ 8 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM!! ☢ - Droid Forum - Verizon Droid & the Motorola Droid Forum

and that is what baffles me.
click on blue on both links and takes me to different versions and for example. Does it matter which one I install? is one better than the other? Blur, no blur? help please

Thanks in advance.
1014 is an older version and 1022 was the most recent release. As of today on Twitter.

"BigDX Serenity is getting a update to the 2.3.34 OTA Today!! If i have enough time i will also port to RubiX ROM (Blurless) Stay tuned"
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