Originally Posted by boe
Thanks - I did a search for screen shots but must have missed what you are talking about. I like the big screen of the EVO a lot but the picture quality is much better for me on the Samsung devices. Can I put the sense ui on a Samsung?
If your debating between an EVO and Samsung(Galaxy S/EPIC), maybe you should look in each's Forum... development for the Galaxy Devices is nowhere near what the EVO's is... and honestly, you cant really go by some pictures posted on the web to assume "pic quality"... youd have to take some yourself in-store then be the judge yourself... also, Galaxy doesnt have 2.2 "offcially" yet... and Gingerbread(2.3) is literally less than weeks away... EVO is likely to have Ginerbread, "offically" and un-offically in the coming weeks/months(months for offical) while the Galaxy will still be waiting on maybe only 2.2 still.... just factors to think about..
and Launcher Pro, a very popular home screen/launcher replacement, shows notifications... as shown(sorry bout the extra pics but its all one pic lol)
and I think you under-estimate android... this isnt winMO where theres maybe only 3 or 4 of this or that.. Android has TONS of home screen replacements, messaging clients, calendars, etc... itll be simple to get what your asking for..