CHT widget B&L_Group Birthday Widget
Description: New widget - Birthdays. Can display from 1 to 5 days of birth with the choice of a call or send SMS birthday man (a total of 10 options to choose from). Icons cakes as well as age have 3 colors, red - when the round anniversary, blue, when the age ends at 5, white, all the rest. When is the date of the birth of the text and date of birth are green to attract attention and at the same time become available to the right will phone or SMS respectively, or you can call or send SMS greetings birthday man, while all the rest of these icons will be disabled. Tap zones 2, the right icons to call or send SMS, and the central part of the manual update widget. The same data will be updated automatically when you change the date.
There is an opportunity to move, resize, and dock.
Compatible with other widgets.
Updated to v2.. Fixed bug locale dates of birthdays.
Author: B & L_Group (MoonNah)
More info can be found on the
Application Thread HERE