New post is up! Ghostbusters! Enjoy!
Alternate versions of "Droid does Graffiti" coming soon.
Behind the Scenes for Ghostbusters and Behind the Scenes for Droid Graffiti coming soon.
PixelReason banners. For anyone that wants to help promote the blog in their signature lines.
Also some updates that I think will make PixelReason alot better and help me produce more efficiently for you guys:
(My first post in this thread will also be updated, but as we all know from countless other threads, some people don't always read the first post)
When posting your requests please include the following information:
1.) Your request. Feel more than free to also include additional info (why you would like this particular piece, what mood you'd like it to be done in, whatever you'd like to add)
2.) Type of device the artwork will be used on.
If Laptop or Desktop, please include screen size (15.6", 17", etc)).
If Cellphone, please include model name (example: HTC Evo, Samsung Captivate, etc). Same for tablets (example: Samsung Galaxy Tab, iPad, etc).
This should help people identify if the wallpaper is good for their phone/tablet more quickly (since most people wouldn't be able to identify the proper wallpaper by just the dimensions)
3.) Size of the wallpaper you're going to need it to be. Width X Height (example: 1280x800, 600x800, etc).