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Old 12-12-2010, 04:06 AM
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Re: Class Action Lawsuit Against Sprint for the 10$ Fee!

My only gripe is that no 4g in detroit after being told it would be here at the end of the year. Its in grand rapids which is no where neae me. Love the phone, love the service, appreciate sprint has worked on customer service just upset or more so disappointed I dont have 4g. I have comtemplated selling thephone and payingthe etf. However where would I go, expensive as verizon or crippling att, metro is a joke. I am a heavy user of data and I know I would abuse 4g when it comes so basically all that to say I contemplated the cal but I have abused sprint with tethering, lieing, cheating, refferal prgram abuse and the ten dollar fee is something I feel is sprint and I getting back sqaure because when 4g comes to detroit when ever that may be I will abuse it and use it excessively
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