Originally Posted by akhnaten
Help... I unlocked phone using 2.40 olipro, flashed NexVision's latest (based on DCD 2.31), flashed the 3.27 radio, and booted up fine. I then set MDN and MSID. On reboot my device won't stop rebooting. I can get into the boot loader but on a "normal boot" the OS never starts and just auto reboots. I am trying to revert, but relocker requires the phone to have a running OS. How do I relock and revert to 2.17/1.32 radio without a running OS on the phone? I tried reflashing Nexvision and 3.27 radio and 2.40 bootloader with no change. I also tried flashing 3.16 beta. That only changed the splash screen to HTC Test Only.  I also tried flashing from SD with no change. Is there any way I can setup the SD card to get the bootloader to execute the relocker batch? Any help is greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: I resolved my problem. I flashed the stock 2.17 rom from SD card and to my surprise it worked. I would still like an answer to my question though.
It looks like you never successfully installed the 2.40 hard-SPL. If you had, and did not subsequently successfully install the relocker, you would not have overwritten the bootloader with the 2.17 ROM install and it would not operate properly.
I have seen posts from one other person where the bootloader screen showed 2.40 but it was apparently not completely installed.